Monday, January 27, 2014

Meet the Neighbors

Today Mrs. Lorene Grant (in the middle), who's husband was the US Ambassador from Guyana, invited us to tea.  She lives next to BK International who owns four houses across from us and east of her.  She invited Gwen, who lives two houses to the west of us; Sybil, who lives down a block around the corner on the Eastern Highway, and her cousin who lives in Kitty a few months of the year.

Mrs. Grant has been telling us for months, "Oh, I must invite you to tea." A couple of weeks ago we set up an actual time and day for tea. She surprised us by inviting others, had fresh flowers, and a variety of baked pastries; pine tarts, cheese tarts, salt fish sandwiches, watermelon, ice cream, cucumber and ginger drink, and more.  We took some bran muffins to add to the menu.
We had a delightful time.  The three on the right are widows and we told them about eternal marriage in our temples:)   Gwen and her husband lived in London, Africa, etc.  She taught a nursing Masters class at the University of Guyana.  Her husband has a college in town.  Mrs. Grant and her husband lived in several places in Africa, London, and in Washington D.C. for nine years. She and her husband used to take some of their guests to drive past the Washington D.C. Temple. She loved the Temple's Christmas programs with several choirs. Mrs. Grant's cousin spent 9 years living in India with her husband, and she spends half of her time in the Bronx, New York City.
Sybil told us a great story.  We were talking about how safe the neighborhood is.  She lives alone now that her husband has passed away.  One morning about 7:30, she was awakened by a noise in another bedroom.  She got up to investigate.  As she walked out of her bedroom the robber walked out of another bedroom.  She said sweetly, "Good morning".  He said "Good morning, Granny."  She said, "Let me show you how you get out of this house."  She walked down and got the keys and opened the front door.  He thanked her and walked out, then ran and climbed over the fence and was gone!  She found out that he had found a ladder in the shed and climbed up to a second story window.  He removed the slats of glass to be able to climb in the window.  She said that the detective was still laughing at her story as he climbed on his motorcycle to leave.  She said that she was really blessed, she didn't even feel afraid. A month or so later we met her at Bernice Mansel's wedding anniversary celebration. She introduced us to her daughter, also a guest, as her Mormon friends. She was dressed in finest green brocade gown and her emerald jewelry. 

Mrs. Grant told us that she listens to "Blurred Lines" as she walks.  She was very animated as she showed us how it makes her feel energetic.  We had an absolutely delightful time!  We tried to  introduce the elders to these new friends.


  1. You are making memories you will NEVER forget. Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. What a wonderful experience you had with neighbors who had some much to share with you. You have made such a difference just loving the wonderful people of Guyana. We will never forget the good times we had in Georgetown, Guyana.
